Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bitch Please....

I was listening to the radio the other day (holla Movin' 92.5) and I couldn't help but notice that they bleeped out the word "manwhore" from the song "The Way You Move" by Outkast. And thus the following rant ensued in my head....WTF? You can say bitch on the radio as much as you like, but you can't say manwhore???? really???? Not only does this contradiction constantly annoy to me, but it is so blatantly sexist that I can barely stand it.

So dear wonderful blog readers, is it really fair that you can demean women left and right on the radio, but say one bad word about men and it gets bleeped????


Anonymous said...

they must have slipped, because we do live in a democracy

hotpants said...

nice catch hotstuff. i hate the word b*tch when it is not being used to describe a actual female dog or used as a verb, as in "to complain." i am also totally surprised that manwhore is a "curse word." is whore a curse word? i'm confused.