Monday, April 27, 2009

exploiting rush

although i am following the swine flu epidemic with great interest, so far i think the US response has been good. (ie no complaints yet). while i am watching it unfold, others are following it too...

maybe i didn't realize how much of an idiot rush limbaugh was... aside from complaining that the surgeon general "doesn't even perform surgeon," and blaming nafta for exporting disease to mexico (interesting idea, but biologically plausible in this case? um, no), he claims obama is going to exploit swine flu to his advantage. so, whenever a president (that rush doesn't like) does the right thing in a natural disaster (yes i consider epidemics natural disasters), he is exploiting it, and every time a president (that rush likes) f's up completely in a natural disaster the media is exploiting it? hmmmm, maybe exploiting is actually a good word? as in, "wow the sun's out today. i'm going to exploit the weather and go for a bike ride." how would you use "exploit" with it's new meaning in a sentence, readers?

i know, rush is an easy target, but, damn, a lot of people listen to this man. i can only hope some of them laugh at his stupidity.

HOWEVER, he does bring up one good point (sorta). we need a secretary of health and human services. today is the last day to contact your senators to confirm kathleen sebelius. anti-choice activists are trying to block this confirmation. you can contact your senators through this planned parenthood site, or their websites.


Unknown said...

I'd love to hear your professional take on the flu, WTF aside.

And yeah, Rush is a tool, in several senses of the word.

hotpants said...

wtf. the media matters website is down i think. i guess you will just have to trust me quoting rush.

in the meantime: