inspired by this artistic blog entry (which i fully recommend!), i decided to post pictures i took of what remains of the berlin wall (click on the pictures to see in more detail).
there are many different accounts of what the wall meant for the city, but it clearly separated it, to the terror of some of its inhabitants. of course, now that the wall is down one can move freely across the city. however, the division is still evident even to a newcomer. in other words, i almost always could tell if i was in what used to be east or west berlin, just by looking around. construction is all over parts of "east berlin", and this growth amongst many reminders of a brutal history (world wars included), make berlin a very interesting city.
seeing the wall's remnants made me think about borders and separatism. good fences may make good neighbors, but they do certainly do not always make happy citizens.
Please rent "Goodby Lenin" immediately --
hehe. i've seen it. very very good.
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