Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Get your vote on!

Alright people, my brain is still not working, but that is no excuse for those of us in Washington State to not be taking part in the highly contested and highly important vote that is occurring today. There are many important contests going on, like the competitive races between Dow Constantine and Susan Hutchison for county executive; Mike McGinn and Joe Mallahan for Seattle mayor; and the votes on Referendum 71 and Initiative 1033. I won't try to sway people on the Seattle mayoral race or the county executive one (although according to The Stranger Susan Hutchison "is a fan of George W. Bush, Mike Huckabee, Dino Rossi, and Dave Reichert", need I say more?) but I will say without a doubt that people need to vote NO on Initiative 1033 and YES on Referendum 71. If you are feeling even a bit conflicted about ref 71, then please watch the highly educational video by Stephen Colbert below and he will set you straight. I promise!

Get out there and vote people!!! According to the Seattle Times only 20% of the ballots have come back so far, that means that 80% of them are still out there!!! Do your part and make sure that Washington State continues to be a place that Stephen Colbert can hate! :)

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