I couldn't wait until tomorrow to express my complete lack of faith in humanity upon finding out that Dr. George Tiller, one of the few late term abortion doctors left in the US, was killed in the sanctity of the foyer of his own church today. A doctor who held onto his beliefs, his practice, and the fight for women's rights even after being shot once in each arm, through multiple legal fights, and through constant harassment and vandalism at his clinic was shot in cold blood. With all of my heart, WTF?
NYT Article about the murder
Check out the commentary here:
Obama said, "However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence." --If Obama only cared that much about the countless babies who died at the hands of that abortionist
A family member said, "Today we mourn the loss of our husband, father and grandfather. Today's event is an unspeakable tragedy for all of us and for George's friends and patients. This is particularly heart wrenching because George was shot down in his house of worship, a place of peace." Wow, how about the wombs that all of those babies were in? The womb is supposed to be a safe place of peace for a baby. But that monster would intrude and kill each one of them, with no remorse.
And I do not feel sorry for a family who loved a murderer. And I sure do NOT feel sorry for a church that had no problem allowing a murderer to attend.
Debra J.M. Smith
i'm with you hotstuff. i fought against posting about it myself, but stuck to our thank goodness for something this weekend, b/c into every blog a little light must (or should) fall.
debra, that you show no remorse for the loss of a human life clearly puts you at odds with this blog. i am sure there are many other areas that we disagree. however, you have a right to your opinion, as we do ours. on the other hand, hateful speech, such as what you have copied and pasted into our comment space, is so atrocious that i am tempted to erase your comment. i won't though, so that others can know the seemingly amoral stance you and possibly others are taking on this issue.
America is known for being a free country. So why should Dr. Tiller not be allowed to worship? I think you self-proclaimed super Christians are forgetting this. Instead of condemning Dr. Tiller for the fetuses (which cannot live on their own...) he aborted, why not remember him for the lives he saved by performing abortions for women who's lives were in danger? Why should a man who has a family and shows kindness and caring towards women in need be killed over unborn babies who haven't gone to school, haven't gotten married, don't have a steady job or children of their own?
Hurrah! Hurrah, Hotpants!
Obviously, Ms. Smith thinks Dr. Tiller was a sinner. I wonder what church she goes to that allows non-sinners only?
Readers might also find this of interest: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/6/2/738007/-Mercy-Abortions:What-Dr.-Tiller-Did
I am thankful that you are on the watch for the safety and morality of us all. However, I feel like you are overlooking a key aspect to this debate -- namely, the suffering that illegal abortion causes. Making abortion illegal does not prevent abortion; rather, illegal abortion acts only to induce more suffering. If you do not believe that illegal abortion is the cause of suffering, please read this news story, then tell me that you have no compassion for the people it describes. I believe that to ignore this suffering is immoral.
If you are truly concerned about reducing abortion, you can start by working to better address the health needs of women -- particularly those of low income -- only then will we truly be able to reduce abortion across the globe. I would like to think that you will consider the broader scope of this issue, yet, given your striking lack of compassion thus far, I am not going to get my hope up too high.
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