Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i am 30 (and woman) hear me roar

... numbers to big to ignore...

i am happy to be 30 and screw you to all the people/media/etc that want to make me feel bad about aging. i don't even want to hear "30 is the new 20." i don't want to be 20 again. i want to be 30 and wiser for it, and less wise than all the years that will come next.

thank you to all the people that have helped me celebrate, and a greater/wider thanks to those who have taught me lessons galore.


Anonymous said...

damn straight sista! Damn the man, save the empire! You rock!

Anonymous said...

yeah! you are now elected to be the 30-something spokeswoman; couldn't be said better. happy birthday!!!!

Claire said...

I agree. While I do have to wonder where the time went, I don't really want said time back. I am extraordinarily happy to be where I am (ie 30 in about 6 weeks).