Tuesday, July 7, 2009

is palin going crazy or was she always nuts?

i know it may be painful to some of you, but if you haven't seen the palin's resignation speech it's worth watching (with nyt article here), if only to be perplexed.... what is she talking about? if you really can't stand it without commentary, watch the keith olberman vid below.

i think i've come to the conclusion that sarah palin was really just in over her head... and perhaps a little off her rocker. what do you think? i know a lot of people are thinking a scandal is ready to hit the press, but i don't think so. well, other than the boyfriend's tell-all book... or perhaps we'll soon get sarah's tell-all too. wahoo.

also, she is a bit of a liar. check out this list in the atlantic

1 comment:

HotFag said...

i secretly hope she runs for president... could you imagine? we would be plastered to the tv set for a whole year, just wanting to listen to her give speeches next to obama... it would be the best stand up comedy ever!