Thursday, December 11, 2008


this one is not for the faint of heart. in the democratic republic of congo, on november 4-5 150 people were summarily executed in the town of kiwanja. the crisis in dr congo continues to destroy people lives.

all of these articles have photos and/or audio:
NYT on the massacre
Human Rights Watch on the massacre
NYT on the rape epidemic
ABC on the cholera outbreak

PS i've been working on figuring on the right people to complain to about domestic violence unit cut. i hope to have a few phone numbers for you soon.


Anonymous said...

This is terrible. Zimbabwe is also in crisis. Yet, most news outlets would have us believe the most important problem right now is what to purchase for the holidays.

Neil said...

Executions, murder, argh.

Still, the use of rape (against men, women and children) as a weapon is perhaps most disturbing? Crimes against humanity, these are.

The Hague, eat your heart out.
