Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow day! Both a blessing and a curse!!!

So for most of us in the good ol' USA there is snow either happening at the moment or will be happening in our near future. A quick look at The Weather Channel (yes I am apparently an old fogey now) and the USA is covered in a swath of white. I personally love snow; I love watching it come down, having a mandatory day at home, and throwing it at people.

Unfortunately, there is also a downside to the wonderfulness of snow. I am supposed to be making a trip to the airport to both drop off some friends and pick another set up. Additionally, I myself am supposed to be flying back east tomorrow. Snow is great, but it may be impeding a lot of people's vacation plans and will definitely make my ride to the airport in my beautiful, but compact, little vehicle quite the experience this evening.

So my question for our blog readers, is this snow day a blessing or a curse???

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Anonymous said...

absolutely a blessing...

Anonymous said...

A beautiful curse.

ThePeat said...

Hasn't the USA been covered in a swath of white for like two hundred years now?

Anonymous said...

I hate snow.