Tuesday, January 20, 2009

gOBAMA DAY. no WTFs today...

... because we are so happy and proud to say PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA.

ps both hotstuff and hotpants independently took a shine to the same two parts of his speech: science is back and non-believers are respected for once. (one of our faithful followers was glad to hear "forebearers" in place of forefathers)
obama's speech transcript

pps rick warren's speech sucked
rick warren's dumb speech

ppps judge roberts fucked up the pauses and wasn't prepared... hmmm... sounds like a bush appointee...
article about the pauses


Anonymous said...

I was emotional during the ceremony today, and then I was in a super good mood all day.

I wish Obama could be inaugurated everyday.

Final Answer said...

GOBAMA! My one lingering WTF was the last paragraph of Rev. Lowery's benediction. Seriously?!